About Zenf Embroidery

Zenf Embroidery is a bespoke hand embroidery brand founded by Jacqueline Morris in 2023.

With over thirty years of experience in various hand embroidery techniques, Jacqueline is no stranger to pushing the boundaries of hand embroidery. Drawing inspiration from nature, particularly influenced by the peculiarities and uncommon elements of nature, which she enjoys reinterpreting in her unique way.

In 2022, Jacqueline graduated with First Class honours in Textiles, where hand embroidery was her specialism. 2023 Jacqueline embarked on a Masters degree in Arts Practice (Arts Health and Wellbeing) where she is dedicated and focused on promoting wellbeing through the art of engagement with hand embroidery.

Jacqueline is passionate about the preservation of traditional embroidery skills, but also the opportunity of giving individuals bespoke hand crafted creations enjoyed all over the world.

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